Food Service
Welcome to the Oak Creek-Franklin Joint School District Food Service page. Click the buttons to view the breakfast and lunch menus for your child's school during the school year and to view your student's lunch account balance. For more information or assistance regarding food service, please contact Bridget Swiatek at (414) 768-6121 or email
Free & Reduced Meal Information
Free & Reduced Meal forms can be obtained by clicking the links below or from your school office at any time throughout the school year. Please contact Lana Zimmerman at if you have questions.
ONLINE APPLICATION: Families are encouraged to complete a Free & Reduced Lunch online application instead of a paper application if you are able. The online application has the same requirements and will ask you for the same information as the paper application. Please visit the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to begin or learn more about the application process.
PAPER APPLICATION: Please click HERE to view and download a Free & Reduced application.