Submit Your Community Event!
Submit Your Event!
The Virtual Backpack for Oak Creek-Franklin Joint School District, is our "eco-friendly" approach to distributing information supporting the district's educational goals and mission in accord with the criteria in the Procedure for Policy 850(1) listed below:
Materials approved for distribution either in hard copy at community information tables or electronically through the district ‘Virtual Backpack’ must meet the following criteria:
- Application should be made at least ten days prior to the desired distribution date. One copy of the proposed announcement/flyer must accompany the application for distribution.
- All activities or information should be educational in focus and support the Oak Creek-Franklin School District mission, meaning they are related to programs and activities offered on a non-profit basis for school-age students, including programs and activities that offer or promote student health and wellness, learning, the arts, leadership, creativity, or other personal enrichment objectives consistent with the academic and personal development of school-age students.
- The following disclaimer MUST be included on each flyer/information piece: "Permission to distribute this information through the school district does not imply review or endorsement by the Oak Creek-Franklin Joint School District."
- The text of the flyer or poster must include a name and telephone number, email address, and/or web address where inquiries may be directed should parents or students have questions.
- A request will be considered if at least one the following apply to the organization. It is:
- an Oak Creek or Franklin civic or intergovernmental agency; or
- a non-profit organization/agency located within Oak Creek-Franklin Joint School District boundaries;or
- an official school-business partner; or
- the event/activity will be held on District owned property.
6. Organizations are limited to one (1) request per month and a limited posting time of six (6) weeks per request.
7. Proof of not-for-profit status may be required at time of submission and kept on file for future reference.
8. The district will not approve for distribution any information whose primary purpose is to:
- advertise or otherwise promote the commercial business activities of for-profit organizations (including self-employed persons);
- advertise or otherwise promote a program or activity that occurs during regular school hours during the school year;
- convey political messages, promote partisan affiliations, or promote events that involve political advocacy;
- promote fundraisers that have no school sponsorship and/or that involve no identifiable activity other than soliciting donations or the collection of pledges from or by students, parents, guardians, or community members by non-school-related organizations.
9. Materials may not promote activities illegal for minors or which contain content or refer to an activity that is deemed obscene, defamatory, threatening, or harassing.
10. For multiple school distribution or inclusion on the ‘Virtual Backpack’, activities should have a community-wide appeal and be significant for the population served within the boundaries of Oak Creek-Franklin Joint School District.
Please click here to review the full Procedure for Policy 850(1).