Regular and punctual attendance is important. Frequent absences have a negative effect on school achievement.
When a student must be absent, parents are asked to contact the main office at 414-768-6220, by 7:50 a.m. Those absences that have not been previously confirmed by a telephone call from the parent will be followed up by a telephone call from the school secretary. The call will be made first to the home and, if not successful, then to the parent’s place of employment.
When a child is arriving late at school, parents should bring their child to the office and sign the child in with school personnel. If the child needs to be released prior to 3:05 p. m., please come to the school office to sign your child out.
When a child arrives after the start of school, but prior to 8:15 a.m., the child is tardy. If the child arrives after 8:15 a.m., the child is absent for a portion of the day.
Children are expected to make up missed assignments after an illness or absence from school. One day, for each day absent, will be given for finishing class work.