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Challenge of the Books

OPTIONAL extra reading challenge

The Challenge of the Books is a club for kids that love to read and challenge themselves! The students form teams of 3 and agree to read books on their own that are included on the booklist for this year. Some teams divide the list equally and some teams ask each person read all the books. The teams are encouraged to read, take notes on the books, and share their thinking along the way. In the Spring, the CHALLENGES begin. The students are asked a question in the form of "In which book . . ." then the team has time to confer with each other quietly and then answer with the exact title of the book and the author of the book. Points are awarded and tallied for each Challenge. The team with the most points at the end of the Challenges moves on to the District level Challenge with teams from the other elementary schools!

Here is a fun way to practice for quizzes BOOK ADVENTURE!