Oak Creek-Franklin Joint School District

How to Enroll


three girls on the playground


The Oak Creek-Franklin Joint School District serves all of the City of Oak Creek and a 7-square mile portion of the City of Franklin.
If you reside within these attendance boundaries, you may begin the two-step enrollment process below. This process is also for families who have received a letter of acceptance through the Public School Open Enrollment program. 

checkmark iconStep 1: Submit Application

Please Note - When Enrolling in Grades 9-12:
Your high school student(s) will need to be with you when filling out the online enrollment application to electronically sign the 

Enrollment Application 

Before beginning this application, gather all of the required documents listed below in Step 2. 

CLICK HERE for details about the
4K & 5K Enrollment Fair
on March 17!

checkmark iconStep 2: Submit Required Documents

To complete the enrollment process, please upload the following documents into the application or bring them to the District Office. 

PLEASE NOTE:  a parent/legal guardian must bring in a valid photo ID to the District Office to complete the enrollment process. An ID cannot be uploaded.

 * What to UPLOAD or BRING IN to the District Office:

  • Your child’s original birth certificate 
  • Proof of Residency documents:
            Current WE Energies or Water bill
            Current Mortgage or Property Tax Statement
            Current Signed Lease 
    additional residency documents may be requested by the District and required for enrollment
  • Student Immunization Record or a Waiver
             -   If records are not translated in English or hand- 
                 written, complete this form to upload or bring in
             -   Click here for the Wisconsin Immunization Registry   
               School-required vaccines are listed in the Student                         Immunization Law
  • A printed copy of the Application Summary if bringing your documents to the District Office.

  • * Please note: This list of documents is required for all students on the application. Documents are not retained
    if previously attended this district and withdrawn.

Please complete and BRING IN for 4K and 5K Students: 
4K Questionnaire 
5K Questionnaire 

District Office Location:

7630 S. 10th St
Oak Creek, WI 53154

Monday - Friday
7:30am - 4:00pm
No appointment needed


District Office Location:

7630 S.10th St
Oak Creek, WI 53154

Enrollment Hours:
Monday - Friday
7:30am - 4:00pm
No appointment needed
