Why Choose OC Virtual?
OC Virtual, like all Oak Creek-Franklin Joint District schools, is working to Build Success Futures Together. While students may not be physically present in the buildings for most of their learning, Oak Creek-Franklin staff work together with students to engage, challenge and inspire.
OC Virtual is a program that students and families choose for a variety of reasons including a personalized learning approach, safe and supportive staff and freedom to work when and where it is convenient for our students and their families. OC Virtual students have the opportunity to accelerate their path or slow down to get additional support along the way. Our students are as diverse in Virtual Learning needs as they are in their reasons for choosing our Virtual Program, from traveling overseas to traditionally homeschooled students looking for more structure to students needing additional time for pursuing a talent. We work with students in each of these situations to find solutions and courses that best meet their needs and strengths, while getting them ready for success in their future.
To learn more, check out our OC Virtual Guides and informational videos below.
Introduction to Elementary Virtual Video Guide
Student/Guardian Success Guide
Elementary Guides can also be found in Arabic, Albanian, Punjabi and Spanish. Secondary Guides can also be found in Arabic, Albanian, Punjabi and Spanish.
All students will fill out the registration form for OC Virtual through the district website prior to the start of the school year. Students and guardians will be required to view an informational video to decide if this is the right fit for their students. Current students will need a recommendation from the OC Virtual administrator who will use their past success in the Virtual program including attendance, engagement, and grades to make a determination. The district will review all applications. Students/Parents will be notified at least 3 weeks prior to the start of the semester if they have been accepted into OC Virtual.
Home School students will fill out the application form for OC Virtual through the district website. All home-schooled students from the year before will automatically be accepted into OC Virtual, assuming they have met all eligibility criteria. NOTE: Besides the OC Virtual application, parents must also register students with the school district.
Student Eligibility
Elementary Student Eligibility: OC Virtual is an optional program that is available to all resident students, but student success is paramount to our mission in Oak Creek. All students must agree to the attendance and grade eligibility criteria. Strong organizational and self-motivation are important characteristics of successful virtual students. Once in the program, students must not be considered habitually truant and be academically successful. If a student fails to meet these requirements they will be on probation for one semester. IF the student comes back into compliance they may continue in the program and will no longer be on probation. If a student does not come back into compliance they shall be placed back in their home school where better support can be provided.
Secondary Student Eligibility: OC Virtual is an optional program that is available to all resident students, but student success is paramount to our mission in Oak Creek. All students must agree to the attendance and grade eligibility criteria for continuation in the program. Strong organizational and self-motivation are important characteristics of successful virtual students. Once in the program, students must maintain a 2.0 GPA and complete all courses within each semester. If a student fails to meet these requirements they will be on probation for one semester. If the student comes back into compliance they may continue in the program and will no longer be on probation. If a student does not come back into compliance they shall be removed from the full-time program and be placed back in their home school. Students who are open-enrolled in the Oak Creek School District will not be able to participate due to changes in state law. Guidance/parental approval is required for participation in OC Virtual.
Home School Students from year before: All Home School students will be automatically accepted in the program as full-time students. After starting the program these students will follow the same rules for continuing eligibility as all other students for their grade level.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Log In Information
- Attendance Requirements
- AP Courses
- Do I need to use my own personal email or device?
- My child has an IEP. How does that work?
- Will my child be eligible for Honor Roll and end of year medals?
- At what point can we decide to switch from OC Virtual to in-person learning?
- Will my student have the opportunity to receive the lesson exactly as if they were in the classroom?
- How will OC Virtual students be able to participate in band at the middle school and high school level?
- How much of OC Virtual work will be live video conferencing?
- What does a daily schedule look like? How much time will a student spend on classwork each day at different levels?
- Do we need access to broadband?
- If our regular school has a day off will the OC Virtual School also have a break?