OCFSD takes the safety of all students and staff very seriously. We believe discussing safety over the entire month of October is warranted not just during school safety week. See this safety letter from Dan Thielen, Superintendent, and David Stecker, Oak Creek Chief of Police.
View the School Safety webpage
During Safety Month, all students will participate in age-appropriate safety lessons on remaining safe in our schools by locking down in classrooms, doing quick peeks and metering when we need to evacuate, and the See or Hear Something, Say Something campaign. At the elementary level, students will also view a police officer video presentation and an in-person Fire Prevention presentation from the OC Fire Department. Students in 4th -12th grade will again view the video “Be Prepared, Not Scared” featuring the Retired OC Police Captain & the Founder of the Peaceful Warrior Training Group Mike Bolender, and members of the Oak Creek Police Department. Please plan to talk to your child throughout the month of October about what they are learning about safety.
Students will again be learning about SPEAK UP, SPEAK OUT (SUSO) Wisconsin. Last year the Wisconsin Department of Justice introduced the SPEAK UP, SPEAK OUT (SUSO) Resource Center!
SUSO was created to help keep students safe by offering a comprehensive, one-stop place to turn with safety concerns, including a threat reporting system. Tip lines are used to identify not just threats to schools, but also other daily safety concerns. Of office administrators at schools who implemented a tip line, 77% believe it has created more awareness of safety issues. Learn about Wisconsin’s tip line at Speak Up, Speak Out Wisconsin . Also see: SPEAK UP, SPEAK OUT - Letter to Parents
In all our classrooms, office(s), hallways, gymnasium(s), library, and cafeteria(s) you will see our IN AN EMERGENCY Take Action… posters provided to us by the I Love You Guys, Foundation.
The response protocols are easily understood, easy to implement, put us all on the same page with the terminology, and are the procedures we drill for and practice throughout the school year.
These posters are currently available in our schools in the following languages: English, Arabic, Punjabi, Portuguese, and Spanish. If you do not see your or your child’s language, please contact your principal or office secretary to request that additional language be added to this list.
Check your elementary child's backpack for information about NO-COST Child Safe Kits. American Income Life (AIL) has partnered with schools across the U.S. and Candad to prove the NO-COST Child Safe Kit. If the child is ever lost or abducted, vital data can quickly be relayed to authorities. That's why our schools, together with American Income Life Insurance Company, has arranged Child Safe Kits for our students at NO COST to you or the school. Please click HERE for additional information.