A parent should call the main office at 414-768-6250 between 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. on each day that a student is late or absent and provide grade, name, and reason for absence. If you email your child's teacher about the absence, please make sure that you still notify the school office of the absence. If we do not receive a phone call, we will be calling you at home or work to verify the absence.
Late Arrivals
If your child arrives to school after 8:30am please go to the main office to sign in and get a pass. If the parent comes in with the student or we receive a phone call we will mark this an excused tardy. If we do not hear from the parent it will be recorded as an unexcused tardy.
Early Release
If you will be picking your child up early from school, please call the office before 8:30am or send a note to school with your child and have them bring it to the office in the morning to receive a pass. If a student is going to a medical appointment (orthodontist, doctor, dentist etc) they should request a medical excuse from the medical office and turn it into the office when they return to school.
In accordance with state law and Board Policy 431, parents may excuse their children for any reason they provide for all or part of no more than 10 days per year. The full attendance policy can be found in the Student and Family Handbook.