Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures

Drop off Map

Please Click here for drop off & pick up procedures during the 13th Street construction.  


AM Drop Off – Doors open at 8:00am – 8:30am - Back North Parking Lot

  • Drive to the back north parking lot.
  • Drop off traffic stay to the left, through traffic goes to the right (we will have signs posted).
  • Your child is allowed to exit your vehicle at any time as long as you are waiting along the white track lanes.
  • Once your child has exited your vehicle, you may pull off towards the right to exit the parking lot.
  • At 8:30, supervisors will close the doors. If you arrive after 8:30, please drive to the front parking lot to drop off your child.

PM Pick Up - Starts at 3:45pm

  • Drive to the pick up area designated for your child's’ grade (see the map to the left). If you have students in more than one grade please pick up your children in the oldest grade designated area. For example, if you have students in 6th and 8th grade, use the 8th grade pick up area. If you have 7th and 8th grade use the 8th grade. If you have 6th and 7th, use the 7th grade pick up area. Plan ahead with your children which area you will pick them up.
  • Traffic waiting for pick up stays to the left in the pick up area, through traffic continues to the right. If the pick up area in 7th or 8th is full, you may park in the stalls in the south parking lot. If the 6th grade pick up area is full, you should pull up as far as you can coming off 13th Street and pull off to the RIGHT hand side, leaving a lane for busses to enter the front circle.
  • Your child can enter your vehicle at any time as long as you are waiting along the white lines in your designated grade level area.
  • Once your child has entered your vehicle, you may pull off to the right to exit.
  • At 3:55pm, supervisors will direct your child to the front parking lot for pick up. Please drive to the front parking lot for pick up if you arrive at or after 3:55pm.