Student & Family Handbook
Approximately 500 students in grades six through eight will attend West Middle School during the 2022-2023 school year. Each student, staff member and family comes to our school having a unique background. Also, each student, staff member, and family brings a unique and important contribution to our school community. With this in mind, building strong relationships between students, staff and families represents one of the most important keys to successfully educating all of our students. Therefore, our committed and caring staff members want to make sure that everyone involved understands the procedures and expectations at West Middle School.
This handbook provides important information to help parents and students understand these procedures and expectations. The handbook information provides a shared understanding about West’s day-to-day operations. Please make sure that you read and discuss this handbook carefully at home. By doing so, many misunderstandings about roles and responsibilities at school can be avoided. If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to your teachers and administrators.
We look forward to a successful school year at West.