Student Services

School Counseling

The school counselors conduct guidance lessons in classrooms, hold special small group counseling sessions, and also see students for individual counseling. Students interested in seeing their counselor may stop by the Guidance Office before or after school, during lunch, or in between classes to get a pass, or by asking their teacher if they may be excused to see the counselor. Confidentiality is always respected unless there are issues that affect the health, welfare, and safety of the student. 8th grade students will participate in (ACP) Academic and Career Planning conferences to help with the transition to the 9th Grade Center.

We are partnering with Clinical Psychology Associates to have onsite counseling clinics at Oak Creek High School, East Middle School, and West Middle School.  All students within our district will have access to these clinics.  Our district recognizes that unless emotional well-being is present, a student's educational experience can be compromised, and we want to bring that resource directly into the school.  You can contact Clinical Psychology Associates by calling or texting (262) 975-0012.

The Student and Family Assistance Program is available at no charge to all student and families residing in the same household.  To learn more about these services visit or call 800-236-3231 or talk to our school counselor for more information. 

Student Intervention Team (SIT)

Student Intervention Team (SIT) is a team of staff members that meets on a weekly basis to discuss students that are identified as having an academic, behavioral or emotional need. The SIT members consist of Building Administrators, School Psychologist, School Social Worker, School Counselors, and teacher(s) of the identified student. Interventions are discussed and responsibilities may be developed for those involved with the student for a special education evaluation. Parents and/or teachers have the ability to refer a student for a special education evaluation at any time.